Painted Horse Recovery is a recovery community organization providing Indigenous Native-based addiction recovery support services.

Our Mission: Support the Native American community in overcoming addiction through culture and peer recovery support and to take our place as recognized, valuable contributing members of a diverse society.

Our Vision: A future where the Native American community is healed from addiction and reconnected with our Traditional Culture, values and belief systems, bringing circles of health and wellness to all.


Peer Services: Painted Horse Recovery provides free Native-based substance use recovery peer services to adults. All peer services are delivered by Certified Recovery Mentors. Peer Mentors are individuals with at least two-years of abstinence who use their recovery experience to help others achieve recovery by developing a recovery lifestyle, overcome barriers, set/achieve goals, reconnect with their culture, and support individuals in becoming self sufficient.

Community Center: Here at Painted Horse, we are committed to supporting Native American adults in the community in building their recovery skills and creating a safe space to engage in cultural activities by embracing our traditional ways.There will be drumming, drum making, taking care of the hides from the animals (our relatives) to make the drums, native based sobriety meetings, a place to connect with other Natives Americans on a similar journey that are walking the red road and healing from past traumas that we suffer from in the Native American community. This recovery center is an alcohol and drug free space, to ensure safety for all who attend. We are committed to assisting our community in finding a Native American based traditional way in obtaining and sustaining long term sobriety.

Recovery Meetings & Events: At Painted Horse Recovery we embrace all paths to recovery. We Have open alter Native American -based AA/NA meetings, Wellbriety, 12 step NA/AA, these meetings are open to all people of the medicine wheel. We have closed alter cultural meetings that are culturally specific for the Native American/ Indigenous population.

Painted Horse Recovery:

10209 SE Division St Bldg D,
Portland, OR 97266